Here’s a question: Why pray to Mary and the Saints at all when you can take your prayers directly to God?


As Catholics we do take our prayers directly to God all the time.  We do so publicly during the Divine Liturgy (Holy Mass) and also during the Diving Office (Liturgy of the Hours), as well as during the administration of all the sacraments.  We also take our prayers directly to God during private devotion and prayers as well.  In addition to this, we also pray with Mary, the Saints and the holy angels, because we view them as “prayer partners” in our devotion to God.  They assist us in our prayers in the sense that they pray with us to God.  Just as we ask friends and neighbors in this world to pray for us, so we also ask friends in the next world to pray for us as well.  The Bible itself gives us indications that this is a wholesome and acceptable practice (Tobit 12:12; Mark 12:26-27; Mark 9:4; Hebrews 12:1; Revelation 5:8; Revelation 8:4).-Shane Schaetzel, Catholicism for Protestants.

Having said all that, the devotion to the Seven Sorrows of Mary was passed onto us by Bridget of Sweden (1303 – 23 July 1373). Bridget was a mystic and saint, and founder of the Bridgettine nuns and monks, after the death of her husband of twenty years. She was also the mother of Catherine of Vadstena.

She is one of the six Patron Saints of Europe, together with Saint Benedict of Nursia, Saints Cyril and Methodius, Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Edith Stein.

This has always been one of my favorite prayers! And I might add that its power and efficacy is so great that, if you are devoted to it, it will surely change your life! So, to all of my Cream City followers out there, consider this a dare.  Plus, what better way to prepare for the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ than to meditate upon the Sorrows of Mary, the Mother of God?

Hope ya’ll are having a great week!